The Home Instruction Book Room
Find current Textbook and Literature titles in our program's library, online text access links and book request forms.
Keep in mind Chancellor's Regulations requires schools to provide materials for ALL students on Home Instruction. Work with your supervisor immediately if there is any resistance from the school.
The Lending Library button below gives a detailed list of literature titles available to lend from our library.
The Book Request button links to a form that when completed will be emailed to our librarian and fulfilled. The order will be available for pick up in our main office or through your AP, email communication will follow your submission.
NYC DOE has purchased 11 STEM titles! Capstone Interactive eBooks go beyond traditional eBooks. Each title has unlimited concurrent usage and is supported by text highlighting and read-aloud audio recorded by professional voice over artists.
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Site username: homeins
Site password: school
Teacher Guides and Answer Keys
The below links will provide resources for each content area for grades K -12.
**ELA resources also includes Spanish is Fun Texts.
**NEW **
3rd - 9th GRADE Lit Camp Books available with accompanying Teacher Guides and Print Outs. Located through ELA resource button to the left, within folder LitCamp Leader (Teacher) Guides pdf titled LitCamp Resource List.
We do not supply Science Textbooks, please partner with the School of Affilation , library or use an online program.
Labs are accessible through the teacher effectiveness page. Click HS Science labs on the top right of the page after clicking the above button.
College and Career Readiness
Our college and career readiness collection supports students exploration of post secondary options including resources books that support student success. Please complete a book order for in order to receive the requested materials. All materials must be returned upon your student's discharge.