School of Affiliation Page
Students approved for home instruction must be affiliated with a New York City school. The affiliated school is the public, parochial or private school that the student will return to after home instruction has ended.
The purpose of affiliation/shared instruction is to:
Support the staff responsible for ensuring continuity of instruction so students remain on track to meet all academic requirements.
Ensure the student maintains a strong connection to the New York City school he/she will return to after home instruction has ended.
Shared instruction is successful when New York City schools and Home Instruction cooperate and collaborate to ensure a quality instructional program throughout the student’s enrollment in Home Instruction. To facilitate this relationship, the affiliated school and Home Instruction are to designate point(s) of contact that are responsible for overseeing the student’s course of instruction. Keeping an open line of communication is particularly important as students will return to New York City schools after Home Instruction has ended.
Shared instruction also means shared responsibility. Information on each school’s roles and responsibilities is available in the Home Instruction Academic Policy Overview
Home Instruction and the IEP
Home Instruction Schools will work with the school of affiliation and the CSE. Home Instruction teachers will complete a progress report for students needing an IEP annual or triennial review. If there are any questions or concerns with an upcoming review please direct your questions to the appropriate H.I. guidance counselor(counselors are borough specific).