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Home Instruction encourages the incorporation of appropriate, home based lab activities for all students.  High School students who are programmed for Regents level science courses must complete specific lab reports to satisfy NYS guidelines.  HI teachers must partner with administration, guidance and schools of affiliation to ensure we provide students with the necessary labs and hours required for each specific course.  This page provides information about NYC DOE requirements and links to labs. 

Laboratory Requirements: Critical to understanding science concepts is the use of scientific inquiry to develop explanations of natural phenomena. Therefore, as a prerequisite for admission to the Regents examination in the Living Environment, students must have successfully completed 1200 minutes of laboratory experience with satisfactory written reports for each laboratory investigation. It is expected that laboratory experiences will provide the opportunity for students to develop the scientific inquiry techniques in Standard 1, the use of information systems as outlined in Standard 2, the interconnectedness of content and skills and the problem-solving approaches in Standards 6 and 7, and the skills identified on the laboratory skills checklist found in Appendix A.

Science Lab Team

The HI Science Lab Team meet regularly and work together to provide streamlined and appropriate home base labs.  Additionally the members are available to support teachers through the lab process. Additionally they will work to plan professional developments and small group trainings throughout the year. They are an excellent resource to the HI program.  Please contact your AP if you would like to work directly with a team member.


Levran Atticot

LaWanda Riddick

Nicolas Almonar


Staten Island

Nina Manfro

Chris DeSilva

Mark Barreto


Carlos Larracuente



Sean McCann



Roman Seltenreich

Laura Kent

Living Environment Labs


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